2008年1月8日 星期二

The end of the semester

My first semester in NTPU is going to the end. During this semester, I have learned many new things that I have not known before but I still have many things to learn, many things to change, especially those bad habits like: lazy, didn't work hard.

This was my first time living far from home for so long time. Because of that, I had to learn to be more independent. I had to take care of myself and to do almost all the housework. I thought this was a very good experience for me, because I had to learn to be independent some day, so why not learned early when I still a student? Nevertheless it wasn't that smoothly, because live with strangers still want some time to get with it, however, every things are perfect now.

After this semester, I hope I could become more mature, I also wish the next semester would be more wonderful, and I would make it come true.

2008年1月1日 星期二

The looks into the future.

What are my looks into the future of the year2008?

I think the first of all is to change my attitude of learning, to be more active, more earnest, and more absorbed. That's the important thing I have to do, and I hope I can achieve it. The second is to use and control time well, because I lost many time in plating and idling, so I have to change this bad habit into a good one. Then, I have to change my bad temper, because I am a little fractious, impetuous, and impatient, so I have to change it back, too.

There are also many thing for me to do in the future year, I wish I could achieve all of them. Those are my new year’s hopes.

Goodbye 2007, welcome 2008

There were many celebrations at the night of December 31 to welcome a new year is coming.

First, were the celebrations in New Zealand and Sydney, Australia. the sparkler in the sky of Sydney was amazing, and made people full of happy to face the coming year.

The next were Taiwan’s celebrations; the sparkler at Taipei 101 was the greatest that ever seen before, and others were also very good. Japan was a little different from others, they also had celebration like other countries but they had a very unique ceremony: a ceremony at their temple, people would knock the bell for good luck.

People in London, England also had a celebration with sparkler, it was wonderful, too.

The last was the celebration at Times Square in New York, U.S.A, it was the oldest celebration which had 100 years old, it can represent all the celebration around the world, I think if I could, I would go to there to join the celebration once.

2007年12月25日 星期二

what Christmas means to me

Christmas means different to everyone, some think it is just a holiday, some think it is a party day, so what Christmas means to me? I think it is a day for reunion with family or friends, for me it is a day for us staying with people we love.

The reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, so it is a birthday celebration for him, to celebrate a saint’s birthday, a man brings love and hope to humanity. So I think it is a day for love, for people we love. That is why I think this is a day for family or friends’ reunion. Not a day for carousal, or parties. I like to spend this day with my family or friends, we will have a good meal and sharing some funny or interesting together. That is what Christmas means to me, sharing love with family or friends.

2007年12月24日 星期一

Christmas songs

Every year, when the Christmas was coming, I could hear many Christmas songs in many places. There are many Christmas songs, and here are some Christmas songs I like. Hope you would like it too.

This is a very cute short film, it is a very familiar Christmas song: Jingle Bell, I could song it since I was a little girl.

This is a very special short film, it told me what Christmas is, and the voice is very beautiful.

This is also a very cute short film, they are the cartoon character that we are very familiar with.

These are two short films I think they are very interesting.

This was not a song for celebrating Christmas but it is a song about a very touching story that happened in Christmas Eve, and it tell me what Christmas’ true significance: LOVE.

2007年12月18日 星期二

Hot spring bath.

When talking about Beitou, many people’s first image is hot spring. That’s what Beitou famous for. So, here is some information about hot spring bath.

Bathing tips:
1. Cleaning up your body.
It's better to cleaning up your body before bathing because the skin is easily absorbable after cleaning up.
2.Taking off make-up and netting hair.
3. Keep silent.
4. Don't play around the pool.
5. Don't soak towel in the pool.
For the reason of sanitation, it is not allowable to soak and wash towel in the pool.
6. Don't run around the pool.

The kinds of bathing.
1.Up to the temperatures of springs, there are hot, warm and cold springs.
2.Up to the mineral substances of springs, there are chlorine(氯), calciferous(碳酸鈣), and sulfate(碳酸鹽) springs.
3.Up to PH values of springs, there are acid(酸性), neutral(中性), and alkaline(鹼性) springs.

Hot spring in Beitou is weak acid white sulfur hot spring(弱酸性硫磺泉), nicknamed milk spring, and smells like strong brimstone(硫磺).

hot spring in Hell Valley, Beitou.

One day in Beitou.

This Sunday, December 16, I went to Beitou with my classmates, we went to there because we have to writing our History report. We got up early in the morning, took bus NO.908 to the MRT station and took the MRT to our destination, Beitou MRT station.

After we arrived, we went to visit some spots of historic, disappointedly, most of them were dilapidated and waste, some were refitted but lost what their original aspects. Even then, we still learn a lot from them.

Most spots of historic in Beitou were built by Japanese, so the style was Japanese style, like Pu-Ji Temple, it was the only Japanese Buddhism Temple in Taiwan.

Beitou, where is famous for the hot spring, of course we have taking a hot spring bath at there, it was a wonderful experience. We also eat some hot spring eggs and hand-pulled noodles, they were also fantastic.

We have a busy, tired but substantial day at Beitou, it was a good experience, I think, maybe the next time I will visit there again.

The Pu-Ji Temple.