When talking about Beitou, many people’s first image is hot spring. That’s what Beitou famous for. So, here is some information about hot spring bath.
Bathing tips:
1. Cleaning up your body.
It's better to cleaning up your body before bathing because the skin is easily absorbable after cleaning up.
2.Taking off make-up and netting hair.
3. Keep silent.
4. Don't play around the pool.
5. Don't soak towel in the pool.
For the reason of sanitation, it is not allowable to soak and wash towel in the pool.
6. Don't run around the pool.
The kinds of bathing.
1.Up to the temperatures of springs, there are hot, warm and cold springs.
2.Up to the mineral substances of springs, there are chlorine(氯), calciferous(碳酸鈣), and sulfate(碳酸鹽) springs.
3.Up to PH values of springs, there are acid(酸性), neutral(中性), and alkaline(鹼性) springs.
Hot spring in Beitou is weak acid white sulfur hot spring(弱酸性硫磺泉), nicknamed milk spring, and smells like strong brimstone(硫磺).
hot spring in Hell Valley, Beitou.