2007年11月8日 星期四

11/1 A day at Museum Of Wold Religons

10:00AM I arrive at the Museum Of World Religions(世界宗教博物館), it is the only one religions museum in the world. At the great hall of world religions, exhibited 10 religions in the world, including: the Christian religion(Catholicism, Christianity, and東正教),it is the biggest religion in the world. Number 2 was the Islamism(伊斯蘭教), next one is the Hinduism(印度教),the fourth is the Buddhism(佛教), the fifth is the 錫克教. There are also have Taoism(道教)、神道教、Judaism(猶太教)、the religion of ancient Egyptian and 馬雅 and the religions of Taiwanese.
Each of them have there own traditions and cultures but they have the same purpose: to bring love and peace to everyone in this world. They hope there are no more fighting in this world, and I wish it will come true one day.
